1. For those enterprises and non-profit organisations that are not subject to have financial statements audited shall submit their annual financial reports by 20th April 2025. For the entities that have the approval to have their account closing period different from 31st December, shall submit their annual financial reports no later than 3 months and 20 days from the date of account closing.
2. For those enterprises and non-profit organisation that are subject to have financial statements audited shall submit audit report by 20th July 2025. For the entities that have the approval to have their accounting closing period different from 31st December, shall submit their audit report no later than 6 months and 20 days from the date of account closing.
The notification further provides the below instructions:
All entities shall properly prepare accounting records.
Shall prepare financial reports no later than 3 months from the date of account closing by following Cambodian International Financial Reporting Standards (“CIFRS”) or Cambodian International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-Sized Entities (“CIFRS for SMEs”) or Cambodian Financial Reporting Standards for Not-For-Profit Entities (“CIFRS for NFPEs”).
Shall finish the audit and issue the audit report no later than 6 months from the date of accounting closing for those who fall under the threshold of audit required by Prakas 563 dated 20th July 2020.
For entities that do not have a FIN number with ACAR shall register the FIN number by following the E-filling procedure. And shall submit a request to change the FIN number before 60 days of the deadline for submission of the financial reports in case the entity has changed its status. The late request will be subject to penalty.
All entities can use the digital financial platform in preparation of the financial reports and submit to ACAR or submit the financial reports via E-filling.
All entities shall pay the government fee for maintaining the financial reports based on Prakas 001 dated 12 January 2022.
All entities can use any licensed accounting firms to assist with the compliance obligation. The accounting firms shall have authorisation letter from the owners/directors of the entities. The owners/directors of the entities shall hold responsibility for all the actions of the representatives.